Our History
Columbia Livestock Market is a family owned and operated business since 1967 by John, Beth, Jeff & Wade Willis, and is located just South of Lake City on US Highway 441.
We hold a cattle sale every Monday at 1:00 pm. Lunch is served prior to the sale in our restaurant. Goats and sheep also auction at the beginning of each sale, if available.
John, Beth and Jeff Willis are on sight before, during and after the sale to assist our customers with any questions or concerns regarding the sale order, bidding process, price of cattle and transaction process.
To watch the sale online, go to www.lmaweb.com and click on Live Auction Tab, or, click the button below!

The Willis Family

Holiday Updates
June 30st for July 4th
November 24th for thanksgiving
Dec 22nd for Christmas
Dec 29th for New Years

Special Dates
North Fl Cattle Meeting
Saturday, February 15th
October. 10th 26th Bred Hfr Sale.
January 10th 2026 26th Black Bull Sale
Special value added- vac calf sales on regular sale days 6/16 , 7/21, 8/18, 9/15

Monday Sale
Every week
1:00 PM
Receiving Cattle:
Sunday 12 P.M. - 8 P.M.
Monday starts 7:30 A.M.
Sale starts 1 P.M.